Profitsroseslightlyto $4.07bn in thequarter endingJuly31from $4.02bnayearearlier. But sales at U Sstores openat least ayear–akeyretail m easure–fell 0.3%,theirfifth consecutivedecline。“T hecustom erre-m ains challenged,”W alm art U Spresident BillSim onsaid。
T he w orld’s largest retailer cut its revenueandprofit forecasts for its fiscal year,raisingconcerns about retail spendingas the all-im port-ant holidayseasonnears. It citedw eakresultsfrom theU nitedStates,as w ell as C anada,M exico,Japanandother international m arketsthat it is relyingonfor long-term grow th。
沃尔玛将2013财年净销售增幅由此前预计的5%至6%,降至2%到3%。美国是沃尔玛的第一大市场,但消费者还未从经济复苏中获得好处,而新兴市场国家目前经济处境不佳,也打击了沃尔玛的海外业绩。不过,从总体上讲,沃尔玛的海外销售额当季增加2 .9%,至320亿美元。
T heretail gloom com esagainst aback-groundof steady,positive econom ic new s. O nT hursdaytheLabor D epartm ent saidthenum -berof U S w orkersseekingfirst-tim eunem -ploym ent benefits hadfallentoits low est levelsincebeforetherecession . T henum berofpeople m akinginitial jobless claim s fell by15,000toaseasonallyadjusted320,000inthew eekendedA ugust 10. Initial claim s peakedat667,000at the endof M arch2009.
W al-M art expects little im provem ent goingintothefall. It forecast flat U .S . sam e-storesalesinthecurrent quarter,w hich includestheback-to-school season. Back-to-school isoften seen asa barom eterfortheholidayperiod,w henretailers get about 30percent ofsales and40percent of profits。
沃尔玛预计,进入秋季后,公司业绩难有改观。沃尔玛称,在当前这个包括返校季在内的季度中,同店可比销售额增长乏力。返校季一般被视作年末假日购物季的晴雨表。零售商在假日购物 季 中 可 以 完 成 全 年 销 售 的30 %和 利 润 的40%。(路透社)