研究发现,对摄入霉菌毒素污染日粮的育肥猪作添加精氨酸处理,能增强机体抗氧化能力,从而减轻毒素产生的氧化损伤;提高肠道粘膜屏障功能,从而增强肠道抵抗病原菌定植的能力;改善肠道形态结构,从而促进氨基酸的转运,增加营养物质沉积效率。表明精氨酸确能发挥肠道保护和修复作用,从而缓解霉菌毒素对育肥猪的毒害损伤。研究人员表示,该实验以猪为动物模型,可将结果推广至人类。 (生物谷Bioon.com)
Amino Acids
Dietary arginine supplementation enhances intestinal expression of SLC7A7 and SLC7A1 and ameliorates growth depression in mycotoxin-challenged pigs
Jie Yin, Wenkai Ren, Jielin Duan, Li Wu, Shuai Chen, Tiejun Li, Yulong Yin, Guoyao Wu
This study tested the hypothesis that dietary l-arginine supplementation confers beneficial effects on growing pigs fed a mold-contaminated diet. The measured variables included: (1) the average daily weight gain and feed:gain ratio; (2) activities of total superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, diamine oxidase, as well as amino acid and d-lactate concentrations in serum; (3) intestinal morphology; (4) expression of the genes for SLC7A7 (amino acid transporter light chain, y+L system, family 7, member 7), SLC7A1 (cationic amino acid transporter, y+ system, family 7, member 1), SLC1A1 (neuronal/epithelial high affinity glutamate transporter, system XAG, member 1), SLC5A1 (sodium/glucose cotransporter, family 5, member 1) in the ileum and jejunum. Mycotoxins in feedstuffs resulted in an enlarged small intestine mass, oxidative injury in tissues, and reduced growth performance in pigs. Dietary arginine supplementation enhanced (P < 0.05) expression of jejunal SLC7A7 and ileal SLC7A1, in comparison with the control and mycotoxin groups. In addition, supplementing 1 % l-arginine to the mycotoxin-contaminated feed had the following beneficial effects (P < 0.05): (1) alleviating the imbalance of the antioxidant system in the body; (2) ameliorating intestinal abnormalities; and (3) attenuating whole-body growth depression, compared with the mycotoxin group without arginine treatment. Collectively, these results indicate that dietary supplementation with l-arginine exerts a protective role in pigs fed mold-contaminated foods. The findings may have important nutritional implications for humans and other mammals.