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{28}Block, A.& Chambliss, W.(1981) Organizing Crime. New York: Elsevier.

{29}Bell (1953), op cit., p.152.

{30}Thrasher, F.(1927) The Gang. Chicago: University of Chicago Press; Ianni, F.& Ianni, E.(1972) A Family Business: Kinship and Social Control in Organized Crime. New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation.

{31}Gusfield, J.R.(1963) Symbolic Crusade: Status politics and the American temperance movement. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.

{32}Kyvig, D.(2000) Repealing National Prohibition.2nd ed. Kent, OH: Kent State University Press.

{33}Gusfield (1963), op cit, p.7.

{34}Whyte, W.(1943) Street Corner Society. The Social Organisation of a Chicago Slum. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

{35}Block, A.(1983), East Side-West Side: Organizing Crime in New York,1930-1950 Newark, NJ: Transaction; Critchley, D (2009) The Origin of Organised Crime in America: The New York City Mafia,1981–1931. London: Routledge.

{36}Landesco, J.(1968) Organised Crime in Chicago,2nd ed. Chicago: UCP.

{37}Lacey, R.(1991) Little Man. New York: Little Brown.

{38}Block, A.(1983), East Side-West Side. Newark, NJ: Transaction, p.13.

{39}Wolfgang, M.(1959) Patterns in Criminal Homicide. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

{40}Daly, M.& Wilson, M.(1988) Homicide. New York: de Gruyter, p.128.

{41}Nash (1992) cited by Critchley, D.(2009) The Origin of Organised Crime in America: The New York City Mafia,1891–1931. London: Routledge, p.140.

{42}Pegram, T.(1998) Battling Demon Rum. Chicago, Il.: Ivan R. Dee.

{43}Gusfield (1963) op cit., p.127.

{44}Hamm, R.(1995) Shaping the Eighteenth Amendment: Temperance Reform Legal Culture, and the Polity,1880–1920. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.

{45}Bourgois, P.(1995) In Search of Respect. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

{46}Ness, E.& Fraley, O.(1957) The Untouchables. New York: Julian Messner.

{47}Bergreen, L (1996) Capone: The Man and the Era. NY: Simon & Schuster.

{48}Russo, G (2001) The Outfit. London: Bloomsbury, p.45.

{49}Burrough, B.(2004) Public Enemies. New York: Penguin.

{50}Slotkin, R (1992) Gunfighter Nation: The Myth of the Frontier in Twentieth Century America. New York: Atheneum.

{51}Bergreen, L (1996), op cit., pp.594-601.

{52}See Witwer, D.(2004)‘The Most Racketeer-Ridden Union in America: The Problem of Corruption in the Teamsters Union During the 1930s’. In E.Kreike and W. C. Jordan (eds) Corrupt Histories.Rochester: University of Rochester Press.

{53}Russo (2001), op cit., p.45.

{54}Haller, M.(1985)'Bootleggers as businessmen’. In D. Kyvig (ed.) Law, alcohol, and order.(pp.139-157) Westport, CT: Greenwood.

{55}Kobler, J.(1971) Capone: The Life and World of Al Capone, Greenwich, CT: Fawcett.

{56}Fox, S.(1989) Blood and power. New York: William Morrow, p.51.

{57}Landesco, J.(1968) Organised Crime in Chicago,2nd ed. Chicago : University of Chicago Press.

{58}Block, A.(1983), East Side-West Side. Newark, NJ: Transaction, p.123.

{59}Woodiwiss, M.(1988) Crime, Crusades and Corruption: Prohibitions in the United States,1900-1987. London: Pinter, p.123.

{60}U.S. Senate (1951) Special committee to investigate organized crime in interstate commerce. New York: Didier, p.2.

{61}Block (1983), op cit., p.123.

{62}See Smith, T.(2007) The Crescent City Lynchings. Connecticut: Lyons Press; Albini, J.(1971) The American Mafia: Genesis of a Legend, New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts.

{63}Moore, W.(1974) Kefauver and the Politics of Crime. Columbus: University of Missouri Press.

{64}Bonnano, J.(1983) A Man of Honor. New York: Simon and Schuster.

{65}Potter, G. W.(1994) Criminal Organizations. Prospect Heights, Ill.: Waveland Press, p.10.

{66}Hawkins, G.(1969)'God and the Mafia', The Public Interest,14,24-51.

{67}Best, J.(1990) Threatened Children, Rhetoric and Concern About Child-Victims. Chicago, Il.: University of Chicago Press, p.40.

{68}Cressey, D.(1969) Theft of the Nation: The Structure and Operations of Organized Crime in America, New York: Harper and Row.

{69}Critchley (2009) op cit., chapter 7.

{70}Peterson, V.(1983) The Mob, Ottawa, IL: Green Hill, p.425.

{71}Hawkins (1969), op cit.

{72}Best, J.(1990) Threatened Children, Rhetoric and Concern About Child-Victims. Chicago, Il.: UCP, p.29.

{73}Naylor, R.T.(2004) Wages of Crime. New York: Cornell University Press.

{74}Landesco, J.(1968) Organised Crime in Chicago,2nd ed. Chicago : University of Chicago Press.

{75}Cressey, D.(1969) Theft of the Nation. New York: Harper and Row.

{76}Cressey (1969), op cit., pp.x-xi.

{77}Cressey (1969), op cit., p.166.

{78}Smith, D.(1975) The Mafia Mystique. New York: Basic Books.

{79}Cressey (1969), op cit.

{80}Cressey (1969), op cit., pp.164-167.

{81}Turkus, B.& Feder, S.(1951) Murder Inc., New York: Farrar, Straus and Young.

{82}Block, A.(1991) Masters of Paradise. New Brunswick: Transaction, p.10.

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