{83}Turkus & Feder (1951), op cit., pp.166-167.
{84}Lacey, R.(1991) Little Man. New York: Little Brown, p.369.
{85}Woodiwiss & Hobbs (2009), op cit.
{86}Block, A.& Chambliss, W.(1981) Organizing Crime. New York: Elsevier, pp.193-217.
{87}Goode (1988) cited in Woodiwiss (2003)‘Transnational Organised Crime: The Strange Career of an American Concept’. In Beare, M.(ed.) Critical Reflections on Transnational Organised Crime, Money Laundering and Corruption.(pp.3-34) Toronto: TUP, p.23.
{88}President's Commission on Organized Crime (1983) Organized Crime: Federal Law Enforcement Perspective, Record of Hearing I, Washington D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office.
{89}Bell (1953) op cit.
{90}Ianni, F.& Ianni, E.(1972) A Family Business: Kinship and Social Control in Organized Crime. New York, NY: Russell Sage Foundation, p.49. Ianni’s subsequent work supported some aspects of a later official report (President’s Commission on Organized Crime,1983) indicating that new ethnic groups were taking over from Italians. However, with over forty years hindsight his prediction of the emergence of a Black Mafia seems somewhat misdirected. President’s Commission on Organized Crime (1983) Organized Crime: Federal Law Enforcement Perspective. Washington DC: Government Printing Office.
{91}Lupsha, P.(1981)'Individual Choice, Material Culture, and Organized Crime', Criminology,19,3-24.
{92}Lupsha (1981), op cit., p.5.
{93}译者注:紧张理论(Strain Theory),又称文化失范理论(Anomie Theory)。其基本内容是当社会文化结构中没有实现个人成功的合法手段时,个人就会感到紧张,进而会通过犯罪来实现获得成功的目标。参见李綦通:《紧张理论视野下的犯罪发生机制及对策》,载《四川大学学报(社会科学版)》2010年第5期。
{94}The succession thesis is also contradicted by both the multi ethnic networks described by Block (1983), and the continued presence of Irish individuals and groups such as the Westies in contemporary organised crime. Pileggi, N.(1987) Wise Guy. London: Corgi; Cummings, J. and Volkman, E.(1992) Mobster. London: Warner.
{95}Park, R.E (1936)"Succession: An Ecological Concept", American Sociological Review,1,171-179.
{96}Musto, D.F.(1987) The American disease: Origins of narcotic control. Oxford: OUP.
{97}McAllister, W.(2000) Drug Diplomacy in the Twentieth Century: An International History. London: Routledge.
{98}Nadelmann, E.(1990)‘Global prohibition regimes: the evolution of norms in international society’, International Organisations,44(4),479–526; Bancroft, A.(2009) Drugs, Intoxication and Society. Cambridge: Polity.
{99}Willoughby W.(1976) Opium as an international problem. Baltimore: John Hopkins; Courtwright, D.T.(2001) Forces of Habit. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
{100}Knepper, P.(2009) The Invention of International Crime: A Global Issue in the Making,1881-1914. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
{101}Bancroft, A.(2009) Drugs, Intoxication and Society. Cambridge: Polity.
{102}Bewley-Taylor, D.(1999) The United States and International Drug Control. London: Pinter.
{103}Woodiwiss (1988) op cit.
{104}Bewley-Taylor (1999) op cit.
{105}Woodiwiss & Hobbs (2009) op cit.
{106}Hawdon, J.(2001)‘The role of presidential rhetoric in the creation of a moral panic: Reagan, Bush and the war on drugs’, Deviant Behaviour,22,419–445.
{107}Presidential Radio Broadcast,3/10/1982.
{108}Woodiwiss (1988) op cit., p.200.
{109}President’s Commission on Organized Crime (1983) Organized Crime: Federal Law Enforcement Perspective. Washington DC: Government Printing Office, pp.4-6.
{110}Nadelmann, E.(1993) Cops across Borders: The Internationalization of U.S. Criminal Law Enforcement. University Park: Penn State Press.
{111}Webster (1998) cited in Bewley-Taylor, D.(2005)‘Emerging Policy Contradictions Between the United Nations Drug Control System and the Core Values of the United Nations’, International Journal on Drug Policy,16(6),423-431.
{112}Woodiwiss, M.& Bewley-Taylor, D.(2005) The Global Fix: The Construction of a Global Enforcement Regime. Amsterdam: Transnational Institute.
{113}Keohane, R.(1984) After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
{114}E.g. van Duyne, P.C.(1994)‘Money Laundering: Estimates in Fog’, The Journal of Asset Protection and Financial Crime,19,103-142.
{115}Naylor, R.T.(2011)‘The International Anti-Money Laundering Regime’. In Antonopoulos, G.A. et al.(eds) Usual and Unusual Organising Criminals in Europe and Beyond.(pp.131-150) Antwerp: Maklu.
{116}van Duyne, P.C.(2011)(Transnational) Organised Crime, Laundering and the Congregation of the Gullible. Tilburg: Tilburg University.
{117}Godson, R.& Olson, W.(1993) International Organised Crime: Emerging Threat to U.S. Security. Washington, DC: National Strategy Information Center.